Fashionista Alison's Camellia Flower Print Linen Rayon Dress

Fashionista Alison's Camellia Flower Print Linen Rayon Dress

Fashionista Alison in Camellia Flower Print Linen RayonRayon Linen Dress
I was very excited this week when Fashionista Alison walked into the store wearing her dress made from our Camellia Flower Print Linen Rayon: Green / Gold! I have been very pleased to see like many of you fashionistas, she loves this printed linen rayon from our collection as much as I do. It is very light and flowy, perfect for commuting around in the bustling, hot summer days in New York City.
Thank you to Fashionista Alison for visiting me at Metro and wearing your lovely dress made from my fabric. It warms my heart and makes me very happy!
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